
Folders of correspondence, minutes, invitations, speeches and publications relating to the administration of, and Sir Harry Gibbs' association with, the High Court of Australia


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series M1827
Title Folders of correspondence, minutes, invitations, speeches and publications relating to the administration of, and Sir Harry Gibbs' association with, the High Court of Australia
Contents dates 02 Oct 1903 - 16 Mar 1987
Items described 148
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CP 400, The Rt Hon Sir Harry Talbot GIBBS AC, GCMG, KBE
    07 Dec 1961 - 16 Mar 1987
  • CA 8286, High Court of Australia, Principal Registry, Melbourne [Victoria] - Justices' and Chief Justice's Chambers
    01 Aug 1970 - 12 Aug 1973
  • CA 8287, High Court of Australia, Principal Registry, Sydney [New South Wales] - Justices' and Chief Justice's Chambers
    13 Aug 1973 - 31 Dec 1980
  • CA 624, High Court of Australia, Principal Registry, Canberra [Australian Capital Territory] - Justices' and Chief Justice's Chambers
    31 Dec 1980 - 16 Mar 1987
Controlling agencies
  • CP 400, The Rt Hon Sir Harry Talbot GIBBS AC, GCMG, KBE
    07 Dec 1961 -
  • ACT (5.52m)
  • NSW (0.9m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
M1827 10 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] High Court memoranda, 1983 26 Sep 1980 - 16 Dec 1983
M1827 70 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] Mr Justice Lionel Murphy [includes sealed envelope] 15 Mar 1984 - 27 Oct 1986
M1827 11 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] High Court memoranda, 1984 May 1982 - 10 Dec 1984
M1827 106 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] Comments on High Court decisions by other courts 15 Mar 1979 - 11 Mar 1986
M1827 145 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Justice, High Court of Australia)] Judgements never delivered : Harding; British Petroleum versus Hunt 16 Sep 1975 - Nov 1980
M1827 65 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] Overseas visit - Hong Kong, China, India, England, 1982 1982 - 11 Mar 1983
M1827 95 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] Correspondence with Justices other than High Court (to end 1984) [File 1] 29 Oct 1970 - 17 Oct 1984
M1827 7 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Justice, High Court of Australia)] High Court memoranda, 1980 23 Jan 1980 - 10 Dec 1980
M1827 8 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] High Court memoranda, 1981 08 Oct 1980 - 16 Dec 1981
M1827 97 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] Correspondence - Justices of the High Court 07 Aug 1932 - 08 Dec 1986
M1827 79 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] High Court jurisdiction 29 Sep 1982 - 21 Aug 1986
M1827 83 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] Consultative Council of Law reporting bodies 09 Jul 1981 - 21 Oct 1986
M1827 9 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] High Court memoranda, 1982 23 Oct 1981 - 16 Dec 1982
M1827 101 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] Correspondence with universities, law schools 06 Apr 1972 - 07 Aug 1986
M1827 73 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] Remuneration Tribunal (from 1983) [File 3] 05 Dec 1983 - 19 Mar 1986
M1827 55 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] Judgements - Printing and publication guidelines 16 Mar 1981 - 10 Feb 1986
M1827 94 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] Correspondence with Government organisations 03 Dec 1971 - 15 Jan 1987
M1827 141 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] Sittings 1983 18 Jan 1983 - 07 Oct 1983
M1827 92 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] Correspondence with Gibbs, Chief Justice (miscellaneous) (to end December 1985) [File 1] 04 Jan 1972 - 27 Nov 1985
M1827 13 [Sir Harry Gibbs (Chief Justice, High Court of Australia)] High Court memoranda, 1986 11 Jun 1982 - 31 Dec 1986