
Papers and reference material relating to South Africa maintained as (1) Chairperson of the United Nations Panel of Eminent Persons and (2) as Co-Chairperson of the Commonwealth Group of Eminent Persons [Partially transferred to University of Melbourne Archives custody 2005]


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series M2186
Title Papers and reference material relating to South Africa maintained as (1) Chairperson of the United Nations Panel of Eminent Persons and (2) as Co-Chairperson of the Commonwealth Group of Eminent Persons [Partially transferred to University of Melbourne Archives custody 2005]
Contents dates 01 Apr 1960 - 04 Sep 1989
Items described 7
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CP 51, The Rt Hon John Malcolm FRASER AC, CH
    01 Aug 1985 - 04 Sep 1989
Controlling agencies
  • CP 51, The Rt Hon John Malcolm FRASER AC, CH
    01 Aug 1985 -
  • ACT (0.27m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
M2186 49 [Personal Papers of Prime Minister Fraser] [Miscellaneous material relating to the Commonwealth Group of Eminent Persons, includes Department of Foreign Affairs research paper 'A Survey of Proposals for the Constitutional Development of South Africa' (Sep 1980), cables, briefing notes] Sep 1980 - 12 Jun 1986
M2186 21 [Personal Papers of Prime Minister Fraser] Correspondence [relating to the Commonwealth Group of Eminent Persons, includes letters to Prime Minister R J L (Bob) Hawke, Sir G Howe, Senator Edward Kennedy, G Schultz, cables, transcripts of media interviews, press cuttings] 26 Oct 1985 - 01 Aug 1986
M2186 60 [Personal Papers of Prime Minister Fraser] [Cables relating to the Commonwealth Group of Eminent Persons, includes copies of statements to the Royal Commonwealth Society, World Affairs Council and Foreign Policy Association] [Portion of original item withdrawn from Commonwealth custody] 12 Dec 1985 - 31 Jul 1986
M2186 48 [Personal Papers of Prime Minister Fraser] [Cables relating to the Foundation for International Conciliation and statement 'Fresh prospects for South Africa'] 29 Jan 1986 - 07 Feb 1986
M2186 68 [Personal Papers of Prime Minister Fraser] [Cabinet documents and cables relating to South Africa, includes copies of address by P W Botha, memorandum by M G Buthelezi, Australian Government submission to United Nations public hearings on the activities of transnational corporations in South Africa and Namibia] [Portion of original item withdrawn from Commonwealth custody] 12 Aug 1985 - 20 Sep 1985