
Personal papers created and maintained by Sir Clarence Harders.


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series M4081
Title Personal papers created and maintained by Sir Clarence Harders.
Contents dates 1951 - Feb 1997
Items described 495
Items digitised 22
Recording agencies
  • CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - Deputy Secretary/Secretary's Office
    01 Jul 1965 - 31 Jul 1980
  • CP 686, Sir Clarence Waldemar HARDERS OBE
    01 Jul 1965 - 22 Feb 1997
  • CA 1382, Department of Foreign Affairs, Central Office - Legal Adviser
    09 Jul 1979 - 30 Apr 1980
Controlling agencies
  • CP 686, Sir Clarence Waldemar HARDERS OBE
    01 Jul 1965 -
  • ACT (5.79m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
M4081 6/2 PART 1 International - Antarctica - Report on legal aspects of Australian claims by E Lauterpacht 16 May 1977 - 16 May 1977
M4081 1/41 Loans Affair - Statements - N F Wicks and D W Edgerley (Federal Executive Council) regarding circumstances surrounding Executive Council meeting 13 December 1974. 25 Feb 1976 - 06 May 1976
M4081 4/8 Seas and Submerged Lands - Advice - Royalties payable on Bass Strait oil production under the Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act 1967 01 Dec 1979 - 01 Dec 1979
M4081 6/2 PART 2 International - Antarctica - Report on legal aspects of Australian claims by E Lauterpacht 16 May 1977 - 16 May 1977
M4081 4/34 Seas and Submerged Lands - Legal Opinion - North Sea Continental Shelf Cases (Sir Kenneth Bailey) 16 Aug 1969 - 16 Aug 1969
M4081 6/7 PART 3 International - Antarctica - Antarctic Marine Living Resources Draft Convention Mar 1979 - Apr 1980
M4081 4/43 Seas and Submerged Lands - Meetings - Discussions with State mines ministers regarding offshore petroleum 1964 - 1965
M4081 1/40 Loans Affair - Statements - C W Harders, A C C Menzies and D J Rose (Attorney General's Department) regarding circumstances surrounding Executive Council meeting, 13 December 1974. Jan 1976 - Jun 1976
M4081 4/4 Seas and Submerged Lands - Advice - Joint opinion of the Attorney General and Solicitor General regarding control of waters adjacent to Australia and resources of the Continental shelf 26 Feb 1969 - 26 Feb 1969
M4081 5/64 Attorney General's Department - Governor General - Request for information from Canada 1978 - 31 Jan 1979
M4081 1/37 Loans Affair - Parliamentary Debates - Queensland allegations and investigations. 18 Mar 1976 - 19 May 1976
M4081 3/35 Sankey versus Whitlam - High Court - Judgement. 09 Nov 1975 - 15 Jan 1979
M4081 4/12 PART 2 Seas and Submerged Lands - Constitutional - Request by Minister for National Development for further examination of Commonwealth powers over the Territorial Sea (1969) 1954 - 1969