
World War I Intelligence section case files, annual single number series


closed files

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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series MP16/1
Title World War I Intelligence section case files, annual single number series
Contents dates 1914 - 1923
Items described 7237
Items digitised 233
Recording agencies
  • CA 1841, Headquarters, 3 Military District, Commonwealth (Australian) Military Forces - Intelligence Section, General Staff
    01 Jan 1914 - 31 Dec 1920
Controlling agencies
  • CA 3050, Australian Federal Police, Southern Region [Victoria/Tasmania], Melbourne Office
    19 Oct 1979 -
  • VIC (17.46m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
MP16/1 1918/964 Allotment of John Woods, Dispensing Sergeant to his Daughters Jessie & Lily 1918 - 1918
MP16/1 1917/927 Legros Emilio 1917 - 1917
MP16/1 1917/816 Tulloch Mrs Freytog alias Martin Otto 1917 - 1917
MP16/1 1916/842 Muller, Hugo 1916 - 1919
MP16/1 1918/453 Preiss Georg, Ballarat 1918 - 1918
MP16/1 Y1920/57 Mrs Lillia Adelaide Coles 1920 - 1920
MP16/1 1918/269 Arthur Wilcox, deserter from sailing boat "Monkbarns" 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
MP16/1 1917/135 Mrs Durham, 68 Haines St., North Melbourne 1917 - 1917
MP16/1 1918/997 Cross, Mrs Alice 1918 - 1918
MP16/1 1917/2155 Mitchell William Richard 1917 - 1917
MP16/1 1917/127 Gunner M.E.M. Martin, AIF (re conduct of Wife) 1917 - 1917
MP16/1 1917/801 Brewster, Mrs 1917 - 1918
MP16/1 1918/494 Mrs E M Evans 1918 - 1918
MP16/1 1918/534 Emile Chapaley, also John Thim (No. 18/2173) 1918 - 1919
MP16/1 1918/2173 John Thimm, Doncaster 1914 - 1919
MP16/1 1917/104 Piel Carl, prisoner of war. Transfer from 2nd MD to 3rd MD. 1917 - 1920
MP16/1 1918/818 re Mrs Alliss, Berkley Street Carlton 1918 - 1918
MP16/1 1918/141 Seddon, Pte Jas Thos 1918 - 1918
MP16/1 1918/387 Finicus C Letter Carriers Section GPO 1918 - 1918
MP16/1 1918/272 Phelan, Trooper A C/- YMCA 1918 - 1918