
General and civil staff correspondence files and Army personnel files, multiple number series


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series MP927/1
Title General and civil staff correspondence files and Army personnel files, multiple number series
Contents dates 01 Jan 1899 - 31 Dec 1968
Items described 3658
Items digitised 23
Recording agencies
  • CA 36, Department of the Army, Central Office
    01 Jan 1952 - 31 Dec 1960
  • CA 2585, Army Headquarters, Department of the Army, Melbourne
    01 Jan 1960 - 31 Dec 1962
Controlling agencies
  • CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
    30 Nov 1973 -
  • VIC (49.51m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
MP927/1 A251/6/149 Min Reps Mr. Lucock MP - investigation case of alleged rape - 1 RAR 1959 - 1959
MP927/1 A323/1/1583 RAAF School of Languages No.1 - Vietnamese Course 1960 - 1962
MP927/1 A323/1/1062 RAAF School of Languages - 1958 - Indonesian 1957 - 1958
MP927/1 A323/1/1797 RAAF - School of Languages No. 2 Course Vietnamese 1961 - 1962