
Assistance and medical files, 1914/18 War, single number series with 'R' prefix


closed files

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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series PP18/1
Title Assistance and medical files, 1914/18 War, single number series with 'R' prefix
Contents dates 1908 - 1983
Items described 3858
Items digitised 22
Recording agencies
  • CA 880, Deputy Commissioner of Repatriation, Western Australia
    01 Jul 1920 - 31 Dec 1955
Controlling agencies
  • CA 2370, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Branch Office, Western Australia
    01 Jan 1916 -
  • WA (55.8m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
PP18/1 R1141 ORR, Wallace - Service Number - 114 1916 - 1956
PP18/1 RKM32830 LYNCH, Frederick John - Service Number - 5/2469, 5/701803 [File cover only] 1914 - 1983
PP18/1 RKM31945 TAYLOR, Leonard Walter - Service Number - 455022 [File cover only] 1914 - 1983
PP18/1 R25727 GORDON, John Andrew - Service Number - 24509 1919 - 1955
PP18/1 R1814 BROWN, Oliver - Service Number - 3747 1916 - 1924
PP18/1 RKM32143 HILL, Allan Charles - Service Number - 5/400022 1951 - 1952
PP18/1 R23810 MALONE, Daniel Henry - Service Number - 3065 1919 - 1956
PP18/1 RKM32961 LUSCOMBE, Bryan Taylor - Service Number - 5/7003 1952 - 1954
PP18/1 R9917 O'NEIL, William James - Service Number - 6554 1919 - 1954
PP18/1 R11701 DANAHER, Percy James - Service Number - 2320 1918 - 1955
PP18/1 RKM32888 GORDON, Ronald Clyde - Service Number - 5/400161 1952 - 1955
PP18/1 R16615 MILLS, George Arthur - Service Number - 6542A 1919 - 1920
PP18/1 R24544 SEALEY, George - Service Number - 6858 1916 - 1955
PP18/1 RKM31944 FLETCHER, Lawrence Geo - Service Number - WX38819, 5/955 [File cover only] 1914 - 1983
PP18/1 R13811 DAVIES, Bryan Pellew - Service Number - 1249 1915 - 1955
PP18/1 R929 MARSHALL, Frank Keith - Service Number - 1077 1921 - 1957
PP18/1 MKM32384 CAMPBELL, Brian - Service Number - 5/2123 1951 - 1956
PP18/1 RKM31838 BURROUGHS, Lawrence - Service Number - WX18974, 5/400068 [File cover only] 1914 - 1983
PP18/1 RKM32057 DOUGLAS, Mervyn Lawrence - Service Number - 3/400051 [File cover only] 1914 - 1983
PP18/1 R3176 HATTON, Samuel Howard - Service Number - 31692 1918 - 1956