
Personal case files, single number series with 'X' and other letter prefixes


closed files

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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series PP913/1
Title Personal case files, single number series with 'X' and other letter prefixes
Contents dates 1939 - 1991
Items described 121
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 880, Deputy Commissioner of Repatriation, Western Australia
    01 Jan 1956 - 31 Dec 1964
Controlling agencies
  • CA 2370, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Branch Office, Western Australia
    05 Oct 1976 -
  • WA (102.96m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
PP913/1 MX45758 Percy George FOXON 1943 - 1983
PP913/1 RX42285 Gordon LIndsay Charles O'Neil 1961 - 1961
PP913/1 MX2001 BRENNAN Herbert John 1941 - 1955
PP913/1 HX37367 John Edward Fox 1937 - 1961
PP913/1 MX64561 Harry Noel Bishop 1939 - 1943
PP913/1 HX905 Maxwell Allison 1945 - 1959
PP913/1 MX16159 Robert Smith 1940 - 1962
PP913/1 MX35554 James Cutmore 1915 - 1962
PP913/1 HX21701 Frederick Herbert Battley 1945 - 1949
PP913/1 MX55915 Horace Andrew Forward 1919 - 1982
PP913/1 MX54298 John Donald Langlands 1916 - 1959
PP913/1 MX63660 John Rennie 1915 - 1962
PP913/1 MX19110 Norbert Lander 1941 - 1983
PP913/1 M59898 James Harold WATSON 1915 - 1958
PP913/1 MX21661 Arthur RALPH [Wx 20107] 1941 - 1961
PP913/1 MX2071 Leonard Douglas Grey 1938 - 1960
PP913/1 MX30488 Albert John Warner 1941 - 1961
PP913/1 MX959 McGUIRE Robert - DVA File [WWII sern WX14234] 1939 - 1964
PP913/1 MX54736 Frank Saunders 1940 - 1962
PP913/1 HX6851 Vernon Pollock Leach 1951 - 1956