
Investigation files, single number series with 'N' [New South Wales] prefix


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series SP1714/1
Title Investigation files, single number series with 'N' [New South Wales] prefix
Contents dates 01 Jan 1914 - 31 Dec 1962
Items described 661
Items digitised 39
Recording agencies
  • CA 904, Investigation Branch, New South Wales
    01 Jan 1920 - 08 Aug 1946
  • CA 912, Commonwealth Investigation Service, New South Wales
    31 Aug 1946 - 31 Dec 1957
Controlling agencies
  • CA 3125, Australian Federal Police, Eastern Division (New South Wales), Sydney Office
    19 Oct 1979 -
  • NSW (10.8m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
SP1714/1 N39505 Release of overseas internees [Box 33] 1946 - 1948
SP1714/1 N6718 Franco Battistessa {Box 1] 1928 - 1956
SP1714/1 N61439 Danish and other suspects 1942 - 1945
SP1714/1 N35154 Rev DA Samuel Robertson ORR [[Box 24] 1942 - 1942