Closed access


Under the Australian Archives Act 1983 most Commonwealth records are opened to public scrutiny after twenty years (this was reduced from thirty years in 2010). But the Act also defines ‘exempt’ records that can be withheld from the public for a variety of reasons, including the defence of national security, and the protection of individual privacy. Access under the Act is not an inevitable destination, but a process that may result in records with the access status of ‘closed’.

Here you can explore these closed files. Why can't we look at them? How old are they? What are we really being protected against?


closed files

on 1 January 2016


why these files have been closed


is the average age of these files
based on their date of their earliest content


contain closed files

BE WARNED! This is a work in progress. It's part of an ongoing research project by Tim Sherratt (@wragge). As a result, this interface is likely to change. That said, pretty much everything should work, so feel free to poke around and see what you can find. Have fun!

Here's some examples…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A3963 S1/1/3 Royal Commission on Petroleum: Ampol. 15.5.75 - 11.8.75. 1975 - 1975
A7073 J209/114 PART 1 Avoidance of tax - Legal opinions given in respect of particular cases 1981 - 1983
A12812 158 Inquiry into Adelaide Airport: Upgrading for International Services - Briefing papers, submissions, draft report, tabling details, correspondence 30 Mar 1982 - 12 Jul 1983
A13122 8 Minutes of Committee Proceedings - 36th Parliament - Volume 7 - Miscellaneous Minutes 31 May 1990 - 24 Jun 1992
A4243 11 Southern Hardwoods Pty. Ltd. 1974 - 1976
A6122 910 Communist Party of Australia. Social activities - Queensland 1949 - 1956
A11235 13 Senate Journals - 13th Session of Parliament - Volume containing Journal No. 1 (9 July 1913) to Journal No. 34 (19 December 1913) together with Sessional Papers and Reports from Select Committees 1913 - 1913
PP946/1 HKM32377 VOLUME 3 BURGESS, Kenneth Charles - Service Number - 5/588 1977 - 1978
A1533 1954/4179 HARRISON, Mrs Henny Magdelena [10 pages] 1954 - 1958
B73 M97143 Vernon, Robert James No 2432 [includes 'R' Repatriation file] 1916 - 1945
B73 M28664 Binns, Charles William [medical file] 1916 - 1974
A1500 K6898 FR FOLIO REMOVAL - 1 NEGATIVE - Aboriginal people and torres strait islander peoples - Art - Archaeologists examine cave paintings, Ayers Rock 1961 - 1961
A9377 9 [The Australian Cypher 1946] Cypher typed 1946 - 1946
A432 1985/7846 Royal Commission into Australia's Security and Intelligence Agencies - Cabinet Submission on Jurisdiction of Security Appeals Tribunal 1984 - 1986
A12812 98 Inquiry into Australian Defence Force Academy - Correspondence, govt. comments and responses, in camera Transcripts - Canberra x 2 01 May 1978 - 12 Mar 1981
C138 C114372 William James MORAN [Repatriation pension case file] [23 pages; box 8304] 1939 - 1989
A12389 B2 ASIS document: Brief Background Notes on ASIS 1958 - 1974
A3092 221/11/6 PART 7B Netherlands New Guinea 21 Nov 1961 - 31 Dec 1961
B26 HX163200 ROWE, Alan James 1951 - 1977
D363 HB14610 PART 1 BALLINGER, Gertrude June beneficiary of BALLINGER, Claude Joseph - Service Number - 62295 1990 - 1990