Closed access


Under the Australian Archives Act 1983 most Commonwealth records are opened to public scrutiny after twenty years (this was reduced from thirty years in 2010). But the Act also defines ‘exempt’ records that can be withheld from the public for a variety of reasons, including the defence of national security, and the protection of individual privacy. Access under the Act is not an inevitable destination, but a process that may result in records with the access status of ‘closed’.

Here you can explore these closed files. Why can't we look at them? How old are they? What are we really being protected against?


closed files

on 1 January 2016


why these files have been closed


is the average age of these files
based on their date of their earliest content


contain closed files

BE WARNED! This is a work in progress. It's part of an ongoing research project by Tim Sherratt (@wragge). As a result, this interface is likely to change. That said, pretty much everything should work, so feel free to poke around and see what you can find. Have fun!

Here's some examples…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A2618 DOCUMENTS 3972 TO 3986 Technical Reports 1951 - 1967
M3917 WOB 1 Papers - Barwick [Box 1] 1981 - 1981
A461 BE337/1/4 PART 2 War Gratuity to members of Services. Part 2 1946 - 1948
D3185 178 Torrens Island Quarantine Station photograph 178 - [portion of title exempt] onset 17 April 1926 - rash 20 April 1926 - photo taken 25 April 1926 1926 - 1926
AWM54 179/1/23 PART 2 [Chemical Warfare - General:] 42nd Chemical Laboratory Company: Intelligence Reports [Part 2 of 9] 1943 - 1943
A1838 919/8/11/7 PART 4 Nuclear - Chemical warfare - Iran Iraq 1984 - 1984
B26 RX29453 Ernst, Royal George 1940 - 1955
A1838 3127/1/3 PART 4 South Korea - Internal personalities 1978 - 1981
A13147 NSR 15 National Security Act Regulations & Ordinances - National Security (General) Regulations. Reg 8 (CG.1-100) 21 Sep 1942 - 30 Oct 1942
C138 H137983 PART 1 FISHER, James Clark - Service Number - 21147 1991 - 1991
K1079 W/BOX 1 Theatre reisters [Bound] 1989 - 1989
D1918 S2836 Inglis, H A [reports on suitability as Research Officer] 1949 - 1949
A432 1931/742 Superannuation re Case of F. Burdett, ex - Postman 1931 - 1931
MT1340/1 1964/397 Correspondence on medical examinations prior to appointment action being taken [1.2 cm] 1962 - 1966
A1209 1983/651 PART 2 Reaction to the expulsion of Soviet Diplomat Mr V N Ivanov - April 1983 1983 - 1983
PP645/1 M12216 James Samuel Denton 1915 - 1963
A1209 1962/708 Discussions with US Secretary of State re military aid to Vietnam 1962 - 1962
A11235 58 Senate Journals - 58th Session of Parliament - Volume containing Journal No. 1 (8 March 1977) to Journal No. 65 (9 November 1977) together with Sessional Papers 1977 - 1977
PP22/1 RX3754 Arthur Sydney Charles COOK W90925 1942 - 1975
B741 V/708 [Allotment paid to Ada Blom, George Hotel] 1923 - 1924