
contains information or matter the disclosure of which under this Act could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the security, defence or international relations of the Commonwealth
Section 33(1)(a) of the Archives Act 1983


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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A12909 2825 Submission No 2825 : [Title exempt] 06 Dec 1978 - 06 Dec 1978
A1838 100/4/7 Named country [imposed title, original title wholly exempt] 1956 - 1956
AWM54 179/3/3 PART 5 [Chemical Warfare - Types of Agents:] Canada, Sub-Committee on Physiological Aspects of Chemical Warfare, Dec 1943 - Report on Treatment of Phosgene Poisoning 1943 - 1943
A14039 8056 Cabinet Memorandum 8056 - Title exempt - Decision 15324/SEC 25 Jun 1991 - 02 Jul 1991
A6122 2637 Operation Adjutant Volume 5 part 1 - General court martial proceedings, SAC Michael Julien Brown 17 December 1958 1958 - 1958
A6980 S250846 Security Screening Procedure - Netherlands 1952 - 1992
A6122 1223 CPA [Communist Party of Australia] NSW - Austral Bronze branch 1949 - 1961
A7452 A145 Intelligence and security services functions 1975 1976 - 1989
A1838 3034/7/7 PART 1 Indonesia - Foreign aid to Indonesia 1951 - 1965
A6119 665 George Ernest Archer RUSSELL 1951 - 1960
AWM54 179/1/20 PART 7 [Chemical Warfare - General:] Australian Military Forces: Technical Notes and Staff Notes - Chemical Warfare, Jun 1944 [Part 7 of 19] 1944 - 1944
A4624 NN HMAS Leeuwin Tenders - Quarter ending 31/3/41 1941 - 1941
A1838 563/10/10/10 PART 1 SEATO - trends and highlights in Communist propaganda 1956 - 1957
A6122 1088 Communist Party of Australia - Western Australia - illegal apparatus 1949 - 1956
A12389 BB9 [portion of title exempt] Operations - March 1975 1972 - 1975
A1209 1960/17 Main trends in Soviet capabilities and policies 1958-1963 [part of title exempt] 1958 - 1958
A1838 169/11/87 PART 18 India - Relations with China. 1962 - 1962
A6122 865 Communist Party of Australia - Western Australia, Geraldton branch. 1949 - 1956
A6119 3242 FALCONER, James Albert - Misc Papers 1970 - 1970
A1838 TS181/1/4 Middle East. Joint Intelligence Weekly Review of Middle East 1956 - 1961