
contains information or matter: (i) that was communicated in confidence by, or on behalf of, a foreign government, an authority of a foreign government or an international organisation (the foreign entity) to the Government of the Commonwealth, to an authority of the Commonwealth or to a person who received the communication on behalf of the Commonwealth or an authority of the Commonwealth (the Commonwealth entity); and (ii) which the foreign entity advises the Commonwealth entity is still confidential; and (iii) the confidentiality of which it would be reasonable to maintain
Section 33(1)(b) of the Archives Act 1983


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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A1838 TS654/3/9 Middle East. Intelligence summaries. 1956 - 1956
A1838 TS181/1/6 Middle East. Joint Intelligence Committee Reports 1957 - 1960
A12389 A47 ASIO document: Report on Activities by Aliens Constituting a Threat to Security: Translation of BfV document 1973 - 1974
A12389 F10 ATTACHMENT 6 Department of Foreign Affairs Information on Portuguese Timor Part 3: 1. Assessments of Portuguese Timor situations made by Department of Foreign Affairs and Joint Intelligence Organization, 2. Ministerial submissions and major correspondence between Ministers on Portuguese Timor, 3. Briefs prepared by Department of Foreign Affairs, 4. Records of Conversations in Canberra or involving officers or Ministers from Canberra relating to Portuguese Timor, 5. Selections of significant telegrams from Canberra 1974 - 1975
AWM54 179/3/3 PART 7 [Chemical Warfare - Types of Agents:] Canada, Sub-Committee on Physiological Aspects of Chemical Warfare - Report on the Detection of Particles of Cadmium Oxide in Sections of Mouse Lung 1944 - 1944
A1838 TS686/4 PART 3 Regional Defence. Pacific, East and South East Asia. ANZUS military machinery. (ANZUS Staff Planners, Military Advisers, etc.) [64pp] 1953 - 1955
AWM54 179/1/23 PART 8 [Chemical Warfare - General:] 42nd Chemical Laboratory Company: Technical Reports [Part 8 of 9] 1944 - 1944
AWM89 B1/107 [Official History, Australia in the Korean War: Records of Robert O'Neill, Official Historian:] Source Material - Chapter 15 (Volume One), Part One [extracts and MS notes from FA, PM and Defence files] 1951 - 1951
A5799 14/1958 Australia, New Zealand and the US - Military talks on Indonesia [Contains folio notice advice only] 1958 - 1958
A816 11/301/870 Sixth Quinpartite Intelligence Conference 1953 - 1954
A1838 TS205/11/27 Syria relations with Saudi Arabia 1957 - 1957
A9954 SE/12/D24 Agenda item 2a. The nature and extent of the Communist subversive and insurgent threats to the Treaty area. Collated paper presented by the United Kingdom 1959 - 1959
A1209 1958/5994 PART 5 [Modified title: Exchange of intelligence material] - Weekly intelligence summaries 1958 - 1958
A6980 S250156 Special screening of migrants from Italy - Mafia 1965 - 1965
A3269 R16 [SRD (Services Reconnaissance Department) Technical Section -] Shipping [Sabotage] Handbook [Volume 4 - this appears to be a draft of R14/C] 1942 - 1943
A3411 51 South-East Asia Treaty Organisation. Supplement to the Report of the Council Representatives to the Council, March 1957 1957 - 1957
AWM54 179/5/5 PART 1 [Chemical Warfare - Trials:] CDRE India: Notes and reports (Jul 1942) [Part 1 of 36] 1942 - 1942
A9511 DNIS 1-13 Intelligence requests for information 1958 - 1968
AWM54 179/5/8 PART 4 [Chemical Warfare - Trials:] Munitions Supply Laboratories. Abstract reports indexed in records of Chemical Defence Board [Part 4 of 23] 1944 - 1944
A1838 3034/2/2/2 PART 7 Indonesia. Communism in Indonesia 1960 - 1962