
contains information or matter: (i) that was communicated in confidence by, or on behalf of, a foreign government, an authority of a foreign government or an international organisation (the foreign entity) to the Government of the Commonwealth, to an authority of the Commonwealth or to a person who received the communication on behalf of the Commonwealth or an authority of the Commonwealth (the Commonwealth entity); and (ii) which the foreign entity advises the Commonwealth entity is still confidential; and (iii) the confidentiality of which it would be reasonable to maintain
Section 33(1)(b) of the Archives Act 1983


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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
AWM54 179/1/4 PART 1 [Chemical Warfare - General:] Deputy Director of Military Operations: Correspondence on the subject of chemical warfare [Part 1 of 2] 1943 - 1944
AWM54 179/5/1 PART 6 [Chemical Warfare - Trials:] Reports from the Chemical Defence Board, Research and Experimental Section, Innisfail, Queensland [Part 6 of 10] 1944 - 1944
A5954 1681/1 Reports by Secretary Department of Defence on visit abroad 1949. The restoration of the flow of United States classified information to Australia 1949 - 1949
A1838 1957/5/13 PART 2 Australian intelligence - [remainder of file title withheld] 1973 - 1976
A5954 1446/2 Co-ordination of planning between the ANZAM and Pacific regions. The defence of islands in the Pacific outside the ANZAM region for which the United Kingdom and New Zealand have responsibility 1951 - 1956
A1209 1957/5849 SEATO. Military Staff Planners' Conference, Manila. Psychological warfare report 1955 1955 - 1955
A1838 563/10/13 PART 1 Communism - SEATO - summaries 1956 - 1957
A1838 3027/2/1 PART 27 Malaysia - Political - General [396pp] 1967 - 1967
AWM54 179/3/3 PART 6 [Chemical Warfare - Types of Agents:] Canada, Sub-Committee on Physiological Aspects of Chemical Warfare, Jan 1944 - Report on Blood Studies in Phosgenied Animals Plasma Liquids 1944 - 1944
A4311 686/11 [Research Methods Conference, Melbourne, November 1958]. On Processing Intelligence Information by [portion of title exempt] 5th September 1958 1958 - 1958
A1209 1960/92 PART 2 JIC London - weekly review of current intelligence - 1960 1960 - 1960
A6283 146 Liaison with overseas intelligence services Vol.4 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
AWM54 179/5/5 PART 11 [Chemical Warfare - Trials:] CDRE India: Notes and reports (Aug 1943) [Part 11 of 36] 1943 - 1943
A2031 107/1959 South East Asian Trade Organization Military planning to counter Communist insurgency in Laos 1959 - 1959
AWM122 70/2029 Malaysian Armed Forces (Jun-Oct 1968) 1968 - 1968
AWM54 179/5/7 PART 6 [Chemical Warfare - Trials:] Reports from Australian Field Experimental Station, Proserpine, Queensland (Jul 1945) [Part 6 of 10] 1945 - 1945
AWM54 179/5/1 PART 7 [Chemical Warfare - Trials:] Reports from the Chemical Defence Board, Research and Experimental Section, Innisfail, Queensland [Part 7 of 10] 1944 - 1944
M1509 28 London conference, 1948. 1947 - 1952
A1838 694/2/4/1 PART 1 [portion of title exempt] Intelligence Estimates [2cm] 1956 - 1971
AWM54 179/1/20 PART 6 [Chemical Warfare - General:] Australian Military Forces: Technical Notes and Staff Notes - Chemical Warfare, May 1944 [Part 6 of 19] 1944 - 1944