
contains information or matter the disclosure of which under this Act would constitute a breach of confidence
Section 33(1)(d) of the Archives Act 1983


closed files

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is the average age of closed files that cite this reason, based on the date of their earliest content


contain closed files that cite this reason


is the average age of decisions to closed files citing this reason

When were closed files citing this reason being created?
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When were access decisions that cite this reason made?
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What series contain most closed files citing this reason?
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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
CP656/3 BUNDLE 4 Royal Commission on wheat,flour and bread industries - minutes of in camera evidence vols C4 to C7 (NSW-C4, VIC C5 to C7) 1935 - 1935
A6122 561 CPA [Communist Party of Australia] - Women's Committee Western Australia 1949 - 1949
A6119 566 William J LATONA 1950 - 1961
A6119 926 NEILL, Anne Miscellaneous Part 1 1953 - 1961
MP742/1 211/7/271 Penicillin reports 1944 - 1944
MP1155/1 V1962/32514 Paas, Frank 1961 - 1962
E72 D3488/4 [Portion of Title Expunged] Roy and Clytie Rannard - Ronald Norman Rannard - Douglas Mitchell Rannard 1955 - 1956
MP742/1 211/7/254 Interim report on use of penicillin at 105 Military Hospital 1944 - 1944
A6122 499 Communist Party of Australia - Branches - Victoria Exchange Branch 1949 - 1949
F504 11 Census 1933 District J (Timber Creek) 1933 - 1933
A6119 522 Dr Julius STONE 1947 - 1955
A6122 579 Communist Party of Australia ( CPA ) Newcastle / Hunter Valley ( Branch / District ) Volume 1 1939 - 1955
A6122 781 Communist Party of Australia. NSW Newcastle South Branch 1949 - 1949
A6122 709 C P of A [Communist Party of Australia] Queensland Norman Park Branch 1949 - 1949
A6122 249 Communist Party of Australia - activities in libraries - Canberra. Volume 1 1954 - 1954
P3 T1965/0714 Van Zelm, Rudolf 1955 - 1966
A6119 1412 Joyce Enid CLARKE - Volume 1 1963 - 1963
A6122 812 Communist Party of Australia (Victoria) - Heidelberg 1949 - 1949
A6122 644 CP of A [Communist Party of Australia] Sections N.S.W. Bankstown/Chullora Section 1949 - 1949
A6126 156 FREESTONE, Robert Cyril 1949 - 1964