
contains information or matter the disclosure of which under this Act would involve the unreasonable disclosure of information relating to the personal affairs of any person (including a deceased person)
Section 33(1)(g) of the Archives Act 1983


closed files

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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
B3476 160X NEA [North Eastern Area] Personnel - Army 1943 - 1943
AWM63 138/500/16 Confession of Bigamy - VX1984 Dvr [Driver] Haig 1941 - 1941
K60 HKM39141 MONGER, Muriel Anne - Service Number - 23041 1983 - 1984
C139 MX15167 John PARISH [Repatriation medical case file] [Box 22049] 1939 - 1995
C139 HX4283 Patrick John CUMMINS [Repatriation hospital case file] [Box 351] 1941 - 1966
M4435 116 Northern Territory - Native Corroborree Ground near Well No 2 1924 - 1935
D2048 G864 PART 6 Progress reports, patients at Bedford Park Myrtle Bank Mental Hospital 1922 - 1923
B26 MX163200 ROWE, Alan James 1941 - 1978
B26 CX165308 Livery, C G 1945 - 1992
C1748 ABORIGINES/L8605A TITLE: Explanation of L8605 [a bull roarer] CATEGORY: photograph PRINCIPAL CREDIT: photographer G Crib FORMAT: b&w print TYPE: silver gelatin STATUS: preservation material 01 Jan 1947 - 31 Dec 1947
A1533 1954/1142 BERECHREE, Laurence Thomas and 12 others 1954 - 1959
C139 MX81030 Leslie Bruce Coulson ISMAY [Repatriation medical case file] [box 46533] 1942 - 1973
C139 MX227983 Kevin Patrick McHUGH [Repatriation medical case file] [box 34358] 1943 - 1980
A1838 1690/3/4 ANNEX Australian refugee policy - Relations with other countries - Iran 1983 - 1985
D4082 WB324 Wendy Newnham 1963 - 1970
A6135 K19/11/72/35 Aboriginal people and torres strait islander peoples - Tribal - Expedition to Oenberna Burial Ground 1972 - 1972
K60 MKM37150 BURTON, Norman Leonard - Service Number - 27387 1957 - 1985
PP619/1 HX2067 VOLUME 1 John McLeod 1954 - 1973
K60 HKM38533 SULLIVAN, Denis Melbourne - Service Number - 85073 1971 - 1984
K26 MX24025 Samuel Mann 1942 - 1984