
contains information or matter the disclosure of which under this Act would involve the unreasonable disclosure of information relating to the personal affairs of any person (including a deceased person)
Section 33(1)(g) of the Archives Act 1983


closed files

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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
AWM237 48 AMF Nominal Roll of Deaths 1939-47, Roll 7: Western Australian enlistees [Information has been checked against personal records, casualty and war graves indices, and reconciled with Roll of Honour cards] 1969 - 1970
D3185 168 Torrens Island Quarantine Station photograph 168 - [portion of title exempt] onset 2 April 1926 rash 5 April 1926 - photo taken 21 April 1926 - seeds in hands - crusts almost disappeared 1926 - 1926
K60 MKM38666 VOLUME 2 MCGANN, Leslie Charles - Service Number - 24034 1965 - 1983
AWM224 MSS423 No 2 Australian Stationary Hospital: Synopsis of clinical notes 1918 - 1919
E72 DL2919 [Portion of Title Expunged] Kathleen Nola McKay - Fairweather, John Joseph and Margaret Ellen 1954 - 1954
PP825/1 HX28641 Benjamin Piercy Lewis 1947 - 1978
A1533 1955/4344 Robert MALOWSKE 1955 - 1955
A1200 L8602B Aboriginal people and torres strait islander peoples - Implements and weapons - Stone Tjuringa 1947 - 1947
K60 HKM38843 VOLUME 4 RICHARDS, George - Service Number - 31797, F3152 1983 - 1984
AWM239 25 RAN Medical Officers' Journal: AUSTRALIA (28 August 1939 - 31 December 1941) 1939 - 1941
AWM239 53 RAN Medical Officers' Journal: CERBERUS (1 January - 31 December 1942) 1942 - 1942
B26 MX10814 PART 1 DALITZ, Alfred Henry 1943 - 1961
K26 HX3184 Aubrey Edgar Lyle Jarvis 1948 - 1986
B73 M115879 Pearson, Harold Ford 1920 - 1970
E72 DL2535 Walker and Carroll [Portion of Title Expunged] [Photographs included] 1953 - 1953
MP114/1 GOTTS E W GOTTS, Eric William. PM4195 1941 - 1952
A3560 7440 Part of the display in the Australian Institute of Anatomy, McCoy Circle, Acton 1934 - 1934
PP926/1 MX47055 Harold Taylor Gurney 1941 - 1975
K60 MKM32444 NEILSON, John William - Service Number - VX503042, 5/400029 1950 - 1987
B26 HX177976 PART 2 Iliff, Ernest Andrew, Service number- VX134772 1985 - 1985