
contains information or matter that relates to the personal affairs, or the business or professional affairs, of any person (including a deceased person)
Section 33(3)(a)(i) of the Archives Act 1983


closed files

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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A7073 J209/35 Evasions - Meaning of "Evade" 1936 - 1970
A7073 J78/95 PART 6 Trust estates - Beneficiaries - General file 1967 - 1979
A7073 J209/72 PART 2 Avoidance of taxation - Selection of test cases 1979 - 1980
A10117 1970/1 TAYLOR Jack; BUTT Geoffrey Percival (Trustees of the TAYLOR Ian David Trust) versus The Commissioner of Taxation 1970 - 1970
A7073 J334/1 PART 2 Anonymous communications 1952 - 1979
A7073 J174/109 PART 1 Private companies - Avoidance of division7 tax by creation of trusts 1954 - 1957
A10117 1970/3 TAYLOR Jack; BUTT Geoffrey Percival (Trustees of the TAYLOR John Charles Trust) versus The Commissioner of Taxation 1970 - 1970
A7073 J78/95 PART 4 Trust estates - Beneficiaries - General file 1954 - 1963
A7073 J78/95 PART 3 Trust estates - Beneficiaries - General file 1951 - 1957
A7073 J209/52 PART 4 Schemes for avoidance of tax - Professional taxpayers 1974 - 1980
A7073 J78/239 PART 2 Creation of inter-vivos trusts to lessen incidence of tax 1977 - 1981
A10117 1970/2 TAYLOR Jack; BUTT Geoffrey Percival (Trustees of the TAYLOR Jan Elizabeth Trust) versus The Commissioner of Taxation 1970 - 1970
A7073 J78/95 PART 2 Trust estates - Beneficiaries - General file 1944 - 1951
A7073 J209/110/36 Avoidance of tax - Sales of lost trusts 1979 - 1984
A7073 J209/72 PART 1 Avoidance of taxation - Selection of test cases 1979 - 1979
A7073 J209/22 PART 7 Evasion and avoidance - General file 1956 - 1981
A7073 J209/22/2 PART 3 Legal tax avoidance 1978 - 1978
A7073 J78/95 PART 5 Trust estates - Beneficiaries - General file 1963 - 1968
A7073 J209/114 PART 1 Avoidance of tax - Legal opinions given in respect of particular cases 1981 - 1983
A7073 J334/1 PART 4 Anonymous information 1977 - 1979