Closed period

Closed period
— RecordSearch note


closed files

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What series contain most closed files citing this reason?
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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
B1213 1977/883 Tullamarine Western Avenue Installation of water main Department of Administrative Services 1976 - 1979
C138 HB33987 PART 1 BRAND, Ivy beneficiary of BRAND, Leonard - Service Number - 1362 1989 - 1991
K403 W59/535 PART 2 [Immigration Department] Nationality - naturalization ceremonies - Wyndham / East Kimberley 1971 - 1984
A703 564/9/172 CGS exercise 1967 1967 - 1967
B1387 1982/17 PART 4 India - Activities in Antarctica 1983 - 1983
D2952 PL84/1980 Yantanabie - Closing of siding 1980 - 1981
M1335 11 [Personal Papers of Prime Minister Fraser] Hon R V Garland [as Minister for Special Trade Representations and Minister for Business and Consumer Affairs, includes papers relating to fuel prices, Ministerial international travel, negotiations with Europeaen Community, photograph with Indian Prime Minister (Morarji Desai) at the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Meeting in Delhi (August 1978) etc] 19 Jan 1978 - 23 Sep 1980
A7452 A159 Requests for security clearances and indoctrination [modified title, original item title partially exempt - declaration by officer relinquishing appointment with PM's Department] 1956 - 1974
B26 HX51680 PART 1 TATT, Leslie Theodore 1946 - 1989
C138 HB73441 PART 2 GARLING, Alma beneficiary of GARLING, Arthur Rushby - Service Number - 3524 1990 - 1991
B5752 562 Aircraft component drawings, batch number 562 - aircraft type not specified [Contains 6 drawings] 1974 - 1974
D363 H24851 PART 2 GIGNEY, Albert Edward - Service Number - 1432 1989 - 1992
MT1078/1 V1959/35173 Paas, Yvonne Marie 1961 - 1962
PP946/1 M28218 BENTLEY, Victor Herbert - Service Number - 3268 1915 - 1981
K47 W1981/13533 OTTOLINI Leo - naturalisation 1981 - 1981
C4076 HN5708 Wilcannia Post Office 1984 - 1984
C139 MX49629 Reginald Ernest Watts (Box 2920) 1945 - 1969
K26 MX9197 VOL 1 ROUSE TJ 1939 - 1986
C139 RX137550 Thomas Grant GRIFFIN [Repatriation case file] [box 5101] 1940 - 1966
A1838 100/4/3 Named country [imposed title, original title wholly exempt] 1954 - 1988