Pre Access Recorder

Pre Access Recorder non standard reasons for restriction.
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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A518 852/1/83 New Guinea - R L Walker; Clerk [0.5cm] 1927 - 1929
A2186 WHOLE SERIES Books of officers Certificates (Naval Forms S.450) 1911 - 1911
B1334 NN Cash Accounts of Camps 2 and 3 (Waldheim and Bethlehem) 1947 - 1947
A518 852/1/395 New Guinea Staff - E K Abrahams - Clerk [0.25cm] 1923 - 1935
F1 1967/1896 Aerodrome 'Woliana' Northern Territory 1967 - 1968
A1928 1020/82 Staff Permanent Central and Victoria Heyes H.F.R. 1926 - 1927
A1928 1020/149 Staff - Permanent - Central and Victoria E.G. Davis 1923 - 1943
A3968 EXHIBIT 46B Shell Australian Securities Limited and Subsidiary Companies. Confidential Information for the Answer to Question 1 1974 - 1974
A518 852/1/381 Aland, R C; Inspector and Instructor [0.5cm] 1927 - 1932
A4081 NN Australian Post Office Commission of Inquiry Papers Relating to the Overseas Visit of the Commissioners. Sir Francis Vernon's Copy. 1973 - 1973
A1928 1040/36 SECTION 5 Stores and Equipment. School of Public and Tropical Medicine. Section 5 1948 - 1950
CP548/1 219 Phenacetin 1946 - 1946
A2487 1922/16951 [Harry Russell Richards - Service Number 2242 - Application for medical treatment] 1922 - 1922
B741 V/22114 Kuno Hans Grasle 1939 - 1946
A1567 667/2/5565 Sheehan, H. 1942 - 1942
B741 V/4677 Mrs Barbara M. Birthisel 1928 - 1930
A3966 NN Correspondence Out Yellow Copies. 1975 1975 - 1975
CP548/1 234 Australian Manufactured & Imported High Speed Steels 1946 - 1946
A518 852/1/61 New Guinea - H C Phillips; Senior Medical Assistant [0.5cm] 1928 - 1929
MP367/1 452/18/517 Pte H.M. Jermett 1918 - 1919