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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A10028 800/151 PART 3 China : foreign policies and relations with third countries - Vietnam 31 May 1978 - 01 Aug 1978
A816 25/301/555 United States Intelligence - Report by JIB [Joint Intelligence Bureau] Representative - Washington 1953 - 1957
A6831 256-3-2 Defence Planning Policy - The Army in PNG - 1968/71 1968 - 1974
A10028 800/135 PART 2 China - relations with Thailand 1979 - 1980
A1838 919/8/9 PART 21 United Nations - Disarmament - Prohibition of use of nuclear weapons resolution 1653 - Control of missile system SALT [Strategic Arms Limitation Talks] 1977 - 1977
A1209 1958/5346 Lecture by Dr R Cockburn, Controller of guided weapons and electronics - United Kingdom Department of Supply 1958 - 1958
SP889/1 40613 AJASS tactical investigation Number 1 of 1960 1960 - 1960
A452 1971/4893 Inter-Departmental committee on internal security arrangements after self government - Papua New Guinea [3cms] 1971 - 1972
A452 1973/470 Defence committee meeting - 30 November 1972 - Defence aspects of Papua New Guinea constitutional developments [1cm] 1972 - 1973
A1838 3034/11/52 PART 14 Indonesia - Relations with USSR 1976 - 1979
A1838 774/1 PART 19 South Africa - Economic relations with Australia 1977 - 1978
A1838 73/1/6 PART 13 Yugoslavia - Non Aligned Nations Conference 1973 - 1973
AWM54 179/5/6 PART 10 [Chemical Warfare - Trials:] Reports by 2/1 Australian Chemical Warfare Laboratory, RAE (Jan-Apr 1945) [Part 10 of 12] 1945 - 1945
A1945 186/1/38 Safeguards scheme - Assistance in establishment of peaceful Atomic energy programmes [5cms] 1964 - 1965
A1838 494/30/3/2 China - United Kingdom other Incidents 1950 - 1954
A1838 3107/38/1 China - Relations with Australia - Australian Representation 1961 - 1973
A1838 720/5/22 PART 7 Atomic energy - Australia - Relations with China 1984 - 1984
A1946 1967/2503 TTCP Panel - Chemical defence - file 1 1946 - 1980
A1838 3014/11/51 PART 3 Vietnam - Relations with United Kingdom 1966 - 1968
A1838 69/1/4/26 PART 6 USSR - Relations with North Vietnam 1965 - 1966