
Correspondence files, multiple number series (first series) [Main correspondence files series of the agency]


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A1928
Title Correspondence files, multiple number series (first series) [Main correspondence files series of the agency]
Contents dates 01 Jan 1925 - 31 Dec 1949
Items described 5362
Items digitised 283
Recording agencies
  • CA 17, Department of Health, Central Office
    01 Jan 1925 - 31 Dec 1949
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9436, Department of Health [II], Central Office - Public health
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • ACT (97.06m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A1928 1018/8 Staff - Hookworm Campaign. Dr. J.C. Jago Dr. A.K. Green. 1926 - 1929
A1928 935/9/1 SECTION 3 Returns Temporary Employment Central and Victoria Section 3 1947 - 1948
A1928 1099/4 Tobacco. Allegations re doped Tobacco by G.H. Mc Austrich. 1927 - 1928
A1928 1020/166 TO 1020/395 (Staff files) 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A1928 651/22/9 SECTION 11 Medical examination of employees, Commonwealth Public Service, and application for pensions A.C.T. Section 11 1947 - 1948
A1928 1181/62 SECTION 2 War Emergency Civil Medical Practitioners service overseas travelling fellowships. General. Section 2. 1945 - 1947
A1928 331/4 SECTION 21 Epidemiological Reports. Eastern Bureau of League of Nations. Weekly Wireless and Cable Reports. Section 21 1947 - 1948
A1928 1023/58 Staff Permanent N.S.W. Dr. H.M. Abey 1934 - 1934
A1928 1020/42 Staff - Permanent Serum Labs. D.E. Armstrong. 1912 - 1946
A1928 935/14/4 SECTION 2 Returns. Statement of Health expenditure for the month. Queensland. Section 1945 - 1948
A1928 1181/47/2 SECTION 1 War. Miscellaneous. MECC [Medical Equipment Control Committee] and CMCC [Central Medical Coordination Committee] Section 1. 1947 - 1947
A1928 990/22 SECTION 2 Societies and Associations. The St. John Ambulance Association Section 2 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A1928 863/5/1 Quarantine Act & Regulations Proposed Amendments. Amending Legislation 1946 - 1948
A1928 990/28 Societies and Associations. Australian Organic Farming and Gardening Society 1946 - 1946
A1928 195/263 Conferences & Congresses Fourth International Congress on Tropical Medicine. April, 1948 1947 - 1949
A1928 1020/157 Staff - Central S.L. Joyce 1930 - 1936
A1928 335/26 Estimates 1947-48 1947 - 1949
A1928 1020/9 Staff - Permanent Central and Victoria Miss B.M. Colman 1923 - 1939
A1928 1181/47/3/13 War. MECC (Medical Equipment Control Committee) & CMCC (Central Medical Coordination Committee) Staff. E.K. Miller 1944 - 1947
A1928 360/44 Fees and charges. Fees for electroencephalography 1948 - 1948