
Correspondence files, annual single number series [Main correspondence files series of the agency]


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A432
Title Correspondence files, annual single number series [Main correspondence files series of the agency]
Contents dates 24 Nov 1857 -
Items described 27058
Items digitised 795
Recording agencies
  • CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office
    01 Jan 1929 -
  • CA 832, Deputy Crown Solicitor's Office, Australian Capital Territory - portion relating to Deputy Crown Solicitor's matters, Australian Capital Territory
    23 Oct 1958 - 31 Dec 1958
Controlling agencies
  • CA 5, Attorney-General's Department, Central Office - main recording agency, matters relating to privacy (Dec 2011), legal aid, criminal law and law enforcement, courts and tribunals
    01 Jan 1929 -
  • CA 2141, Department of the Treasury [II], Central Office - for records relating to investment control (Sep 1979), competition and consumer policy (Mar 1993), bills of exchange and promissory notes (Apr 1996), business law (Apr 1996),
    23 Apr 1996 -
  • CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - for records relating to cyber policy co-ordination
    03 Dec 2007 -
  • CA 9435, Department of Finance [II], Central office - for records relating to the Judges Pensions Act 1968
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • CA 9433, Department of Employment, Central Office - matters relating to workplace relations policy development, advocacy and implementation
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • CA 9553, Department of Industry, Innovation and Science - Consumer affairs
    21 Nov 2015 -
  • ACT (2223.74m)
  • NSW (291.06m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A432 1932/1859 Flour Acquisition Bill, Victoria 1932 - 1932
A432 1934/311 Customs Act 1901-1930. Mutual Fire and General Insurance Company of Tasmania Limited. 1934 - 1934
A432 1929/2835 Agreement between the FCC and Monolyse Constructions (Vic and South Australia) Ltd. Whether the Commission can deduct amount due for goods supplied from moneys due under the agreement. 1929 - 1929
A432 1931/1598 FCT [Federal Capital Territory]. Whether the Commonwealth is liable to repair a roof which has been found to be defective on a Building at Civic Centre erected in accordance with a design specified by the Federal Capital Commission 1931 - 1931
A432 1931/00231 Territory for the seat of Govt. - Compulsory attendance at School - Education Ordinance 1928/30 1931 - 1931
A432 1982/10887 Aircraft Carrier Project 1982 - 1982
A432 1935/918 Superannuation Act 1871 of Western Australia: Retirement of & Grant of Pension to George Hearn, formerly line inspector PMG's Department, Western Australia 1935 - 1935
A432 1986/16841 Bombing of Turkish Consulate General in Melbourne - Security Branch Aspects 1986 - 1987
A432 1931/693 Post and Telegraph Act 1901-23 Damage to Cable, North East Road, Yatala South District, SA. 1931 - 1931
A432 1930/1338 Customs Act 1901-30 - Sec 151, Reg. 111(1) Importation by Fitzpatrick Bros. Melb. of Australia. Butter previously exported. 1930 - 1930
A432 1931/660 Superannuation Act 1871 (WA) Secs. 1.6. G.J. Werton - Retirement from service of Amalgamated Wireless (Australia) Ltd - Constitutional (Sec 84) Right to Pension 1931 - 1931
A432 1929/2034 Gaming & Betting Act, 1906 sec. 20 (N.S.W.) Canberra Turf Club & bet owing by A.J. Ross 1929 - 1929
A432 1969/53 Joint Defence Space Research Facility - Alice Springs - Post Office 1968 - 1970
A432 E982/2177 Legal aspects of the Ethnic Media in Australia 1982 - 1983
A432 1929/793 Attorney-General's Department: Income Tax Assessment Act 1922-1928 - Taxability of Pensions paid to Ex - employees 1929 - 1929
A432 1931/460 Sydney C'wealth Bank: Grant's Contract 1931 - 1931
A432 1968/2197 Shooting of Yugoslav in Act - press reports of Ustashi activity 1968 - 1968
A432 1969/3364 Sixth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting 1970 1969 - 1971
A432 1931/566 Applicant T.J. Mitchell, Tasmania. Sale of land and dwelling house. Defects in Dwelling-House 1931 - 1931
A432 1963/3173 PART 5 Antarctic Treaty - Draft convention on conservation of wildlife 1970 - 1979