
Correspondence files, multiple number series with alphabetical prefix


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A518
Title Correspondence files, multiple number series with alphabetical prefix
Contents dates 01 Jan 1899 - 31 Dec 1983
Items described 15736
Items digitised 699
Recording agencies
  • CA 822, Territories Branch, Prime Minister's Department
    10 Dec 1928 - 26 Jun 1941
  • CA 42, Department of External Territories [I], Central Office
    26 Jun 1941 - 11 May 1951
  • CA 60, Department of Territories [I], Central Office
    11 May 1951 - 31 Dec 1956
Controlling agencies
  • CA 5987, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Central Office - for Papua and New Guinea matters
    24 Jul 1987 -
  • CA 9427, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Central Office - Regional development
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • ACT (244.28m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A518 852/1/887 New Guinea Staff. O'Dean, Marcus - Draughtsman [0.25cm] 1922 - 1927
A518 AE118/2 Mandated Territories - Application for permits for entry into Manus [10 pages] 1947 - 1947
A518 N822/1/4 PART 5 Norfolk Island - Financial - Reimbursement of Departmental Advance Account 1947 - 1950
A518 BT813/1/9 ANGPCB [Australian New Guinea Production Control Board[ - Staff - Angel, L W 1946 - 1947
A518 BA802/1/3 Outstanding claim against the Administration - Batze, Karl 1945 - 1945
A518 BC802/1/3 Outstanding claim against Administration - New Guinea - De Martini, Emilo 1945 - 1948
A518 852/1/778 New Guinea Staff - Holland, A N [1cm] 1938 - 1951
A518 852/1/796 New Guinea Staff - Scott, W - Exempt Officer [7 pages] 1939 - 1939
A518 BH248/3/4 Officers appointed by Public Service Commissioner to sign and certify documents - Papua and New Guinea Superannuation 1952 - 1957
A518 624/1/89 McCowan, Mr I H - Norfolk Island 1951 - 1960
A518 852/1/769 New Guinea - Blakeney, E M [0.25cm] 1938 - 1940
A518 852/4/231 Papuan Staff - Dunstan, Miss Josephine M - Matron [0.25cm] 1944 - 1946
A518 BY800/1/1 PART 2 General information re Dutch New Guinea [2cms] 1937 - 1955
A518 852/1/942 New Guinea Staff. Staley, W G [0.5cm] 1941 - 1947
A518 852/4/173 Papuan Staff - Mr M Hennessy - Teacher [0.25cm] 1941 - 1945
A518 852/1/617 New Guinea Staff - Cox, R G [1.5cms] 1936 - 1946
A518 J801/1/7 Entries under Regulation 21a - National Security (External Territories) Regulations - Ahearn, J H 1945 - 1945
A518 852/1/800 New Guinea Staff - Haley, V W [0.5cm] 1938 - 1951
A518 I801/1/7 Entries under Regulation 21A - National Security (External Territories) Regulations - Buchanan, P M 1945 - 1945
A518 AA118/2 Proposed acquisition of Lombrum Plantation - Mandated Territories [2cm] 1947 - 1965