
Microfilm copies of personal and subject files (CRS A6119 and CRS A6122)


closed files

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of the total number of closed files

is completely within the open period (more than 20 years old)


are cited by closed files in this series
Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series A6126
Title Microfilm copies of personal and subject files (CRS A6119 and CRS A6122)
Contents dates 01 Jan 1920 -
Items described 1391
Items digitised 337
Recording agencies
  • CA 1297, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, Central Office
    01 Jan 1960 -
Controlling agencies
  • CA 1297, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, Central Office
    01 Jan 1960 -
  • ACT (18.63m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A6126 184 John Alcorn DILLON 1949 - 1961
A6126 156 FREESTONE, Robert Cyril 1949 - 1964
A6126 44 WYSOKIER, Raphael 1951 - 1951
A6126 612 WOLF, Ruth [3 pages - all of these contain exemptions] 1949 - 1963
A6126 340 Export of strategic metals from Nauru. Volume 1 1949 - 1963
A6126 1026 Kay, Helen 1956 - 1956
A6126 662 BALZI, Gildo 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
A6126 197 John Kurt KAISER 1939 - 1955
A6126 170 Nancy Glen and Hector Alan MACDONALD 1939 - 1964
A6126 883 Clark, Charles 1954 - 1954
A6126 112 Doris Amelia BLACKBURN 1949 - 1960