
Personal case files, single number series (Australian, 1914-1918 War)


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series C138
Title Personal case files, single number series (Australian, 1914-1918 War)
Contents dates 01 Jan 1913 -
Items described 21354
Items digitised 553
Recording agencies
  • CA 875, Deputy Commissioner for Repatriation, New South Wales
    01 Jul 1920 - 05 Oct 1976
  • CA 2366, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Branch Office, New South Wales
    05 Oct 1976 -
Controlling agencies
  • CA 2366, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Branch Office, New South Wales
    05 Oct 1976 -
  • NSW (3760.86m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
C138 R121587 PART 1 Alfred James ECCLESTON [Repatriation case file] [Box 8628] 1918 - 1947
C138 HB3954 COLLETTE, Alice M beneficiary of COLLETTE, Ernest Edwin - Service Number - 562 1988 - 1988
C138 HB56379 JONES, Elizabeth Agnes beneficiary of JONES, Herbert Ernest - Service Number - 808 1988 - 1992
C138 HB6168 DEMPSTER, Daisy beneficiary of DEMPSTER, Thomas James - Service Number - 1909 1991 - 1991
C138 HB43595 BARR, Daphne beneficiary of BARR, Thomas James - Service Number - 1072 1991 - 1991
C138 MB40696 TURNER, Nina [aka Neena] beneficiary of TURNER, Ewart Stanley Martin - Service Number - 6140 1989 - 1993
C138 M109342 Julia Bligh JOHNSTON [Repatriation medical case file][box 7891] 1928 - 1986
C138 HB95457 PART 3 MEYNELL, Olga beneficiary of MEYNELL, William Thomas - Service Number - 6186 1988 - 1994
C138 C94440 Leslie Seaward Booth 1919 - 1987
C138 C41729 William STEELL [Repatriation pension case file] [box 15645] 1918 - 1973
C138 HB50584 MILSON, Alma May beneficiary of MILSON, Robert James - Service Number - 15990 1991 - 1994
C138 HB71663 PART 2 BLACKBERRY, Annie beneficiary of BLACKBERRY, Roy James - Service Number - 1950 1988 - 1992
C138 H137844 BEGG, Alan Raymond - Service Number - 604 1989 - 1993
C138 R1567 John Thomas SWAB [Repatriation file] [box 194] 1926 - 1950
C138 C109342 Julia Bligh JOHNSTON [Repatriation pension case file] [Box 7891] 1920 - 1940
C138 HB102675 WOOD, Thelma beneficiary of WOOD, Colin Gordon - Service Number - 29173 1988 - 1991
C138 R70556 James Ernest THOMPSON [Repatriation pension case file] [1.0cm; box 5508] 1946 - 1949
C138 H91382 BRACKEN, Edward Glen - Service Number - 1661 1990 - 1990
C138 H41659 PART 3 MULHOLLAND, Fitzgerald Michael - Service Number - 2638, N78346 1988 - 1993
C138 M58208 Norman Wortley BURLEY [Repatriation case and medical file] 1919 - 1991