
General correspondence files, single number series with 'LA' (Land Army) prefix


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series C605
Title General correspondence files, single number series with 'LA' (Land Army) prefix
Contents dates 01 Jan 1942 - 21 Mar 1946
Items described 955
Items digitised 2
Recording agencies
  • CA 4304, Australian Women's Land Army, New South Wales Branch
    01 Jan 1942 - 31 Dec 1945
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9433, Department of Employment, Central Office
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • NSW (7.02m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
C605 LA28 Headquarters Staff, AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army] - Mrs Anne Vaughan 1942 - 1943
C605 LA87 Headquarters staff, AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army] - Mrs Hazel Strong, Bookkeeper 1942 - 1943
C605 LA381 Field staff - titles and designations for field staff 1943 - 1945
C605 LA178 Welfare Officer - Headquarters Staff - Mrs P Youden, Hunters Hill 1942 - 1945
C605 LA312 Headquarters staff - Miss O I Parker, staff records clerk/typist 1943 - 1946
C605 LA85 Evidence at Rural Industries Committees 1942 - 1942
C605 LA266 Machinist fitter - applicant/appointment of Mrs Kerwin 1943 - 1944
C605 LA343 Headquarters staff - Miss I E Ikin, claims 1943 - 1946
C605 LA276 Headquarters staff - Mrs R Atkinson 1943 - 1943
C605 LA26 Headquarters Staff, AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army] - Miss U G Woods 1942 - 1945
C605 LA24 Headquarters Staff, AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army] - Miss D Griffith 1942 - 1942
C605 LA522 Headquarters staff - Miss D L Pitches, temporary typist 1943 - 1944
C605 LA275 Headquarters staff - L Vick 1943 - 1943
C605 LA330 Headquarters staff - Mrs Graham, Bookkeeper 1943 - 1945
C605 LA91 Headquarters staff, AWLA [Australian Women's Land Army] - M W Churchill, Shorthand Typist 1942 - 1945
C605 LA358 Headquarters staff - Miss D C Ashcroft 1942 - 1943
C605 LA262 Headquarters staff - Mrs P Roche, Senior Interviewer 1943 - 1943
C605 LA348 Headquarters staff - Miss R V Davey, Office Assistant 1943 - 1945
C605 LA304 Headquarters staff - Mrs P Crozier 1943 - 1944
C605 LA311 Headquarters staff - Miss A Laing 1943 - 1946