
Correspondence files, annual single number series with PL prefix


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series D2952
Title Correspondence files, annual single number series with PL prefix
Contents dates 01 Jan 1979 - 25 Feb 1982
Items described 122
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 5924, Australian National Railways Commission, Port Lincoln [South Australia]
    01 Jan 1979 - 01 Jan 1982
Controlling agencies
  • CA 9427, Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Central Office
    18 Sep 2013 -
  • NSW (0.81m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
D2952 PL20/1981 Kimba - Application from V Posavec to purchase old Maintenance Barracks 1981 - 1981
D2952 PL126/1980 Thevenard Line - Approximately 13.8km - Application from Mrs GM Green for occupation crossing 1980 - 1982
D2952 PL12/1980 Konanda - Application to purchase old waiting shed 1980 - 1980
D2952 PL146/1980 Port Lincoln Perway Gang - conduct and work performance of [LP Druze - entered service 25/3/68, M Gillio - 8/7/57, J Ilko - 18/3/68, OW Miller - 21/2/64, HJ Hanson - 26/2/60, W Wowk - 13/2/52] 1952 - 1980
D2952 PL57/1981 Ungarra - Application to buy or lease land in Station Yard account HJ Modra [Diagram of Ungarra Station Yard showing proposed area to be leased] 1981 - 1984
D2952 PL44/1980 Lock - Extension to siding [Drawing of proposed siding extension at Lock - Scale 1:480] 1980 - 1981
D2952 PL77/1981 Grain Bagging Plant: Continental Grain [Australia] Limited [Diagram of Geddes Timber Yard showing proposed road to be built, several newspaper articles regarding bagging plant, photocopies of photographs relating to bagging site, drawing of Port Lincoln Station Yard showing proposed Bagging Plant site] 1981 - 1982
D2952 PL80/1981 Buckleboo Line - 227.129km - Aerial cable over railway account District Council of Kimba [Agreement CW 982, Diagram of location of proposed cable over railway line - Sections 26 and 27 - Hundred of Solomon - County Buxton - 2 Sheets] 1981 - 1983
D2952 PL42/1980 Waddikee - Extension to siding [Drawing of 218.307km Waddikee - Scale 1:1 250, Map showing location of Waddikee on Eyre Peninsula, Plan of Waddikee proposed siding extensions with photographs, Plan of Waddikee Station Yard plus Longitudinal Elevation on a scale 1" = 40', Drawing of proposed siding extension at Waddikee on a scale 1:480, Photographs of Waddikee] 1980 - 1982
D2952 PL72/1980 Kimba - Station building severely damaged by runaway Prime Mover and trailer 28/5/80 1980 - 1982
D2952 PL25/1979 Guards refusal to work on Track maintenance machines 1979 - 1979
D2952 PL66/79 70 kilometres Cummins - Yeelanna section - Number 322 Goods derailed 24/5/79 1979 - 1981
D2952 PL120/1980 Buckleboo Line - 129.392km - Telecom conduit under track [Australian Telecom Commission, Plan showing Butler Tanks - Location plan - Work required for Auto conversion, Plan showing Butler Tanks - Cable extension North of SCAS to replace Division II lines for Auto conversion] 1980 - 1982
D2952 PL104/1980 Nunjikompita - Extension of siding at Port Lincoln end account construction of additional silos [Drawing of Nunjikompita Yard 357.554km - Siding extended Port Lincoln end 268m - September 1981] 1980 - 1982
D2952 PL43/1980 Cungena - Extension to siding [Drawing of Cungena proposed siding extension - Scale 1:480] 1980 - 1981
D2952 PL127/1980 Minnipa Quarry - Purchase of rock etc by outsiders 1980 - 1980
D2952 PL129/1980 Peelina Creek Bridge - 81.63km Buckleboo Line - Proposed downstream scour protection [Photographs of Bridge, Plan of Buckleboo Line 81.65km Track layout over Bridge on Peelina Creek] 1980 - 1981
D2952 PL45/79 Thevenard line - Application from Highways Department for temporary occupation crossing approximately 20km [20.173 exact] 1979 - 1979
D2952 PL39/1980 Shunters to be utilized as Guards in lieu of Station Assistants 1980 - 1980
D2952 PL100/1979 Minnipa - Application to lease land from A Ridsdale [Minnipa Station Yard, Licence number DA039, Sketch of lease area, Risdale Trading Company Pty Ltd] 1979 - 1981