
South Australian Library research material, single number series


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Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series D4151
Title South Australian Library research material, single number series
Contents dates 1897 - 31 Dec 1991
Items described 781
Items digitised None
Recording agencies
  • CA 6841, Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
    01 Jan 1988 - 31 Dec 1990
Controlling agencies
  • CA 1401, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
    01 Jan 1988 -
  • SA (8.1m)
  • WA (5.58m)
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Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
D4151 89/8 Resource Material used in the Preparation of the National and Regional reports: Health - The Queen Elizabeth Hospital School of Nursing - Aboriginal Enrolled Nurse course 1987 1987 - 1987
D4151 89/5 Resource Material used in the Preparation of the National and Regional reports: Health - Analytical chronology 1990 - 1990
D4151 89/4 Resource Material used in the Preparation of the National and Regional reports: Health - Psychiatric Services general - liaison and co-operation Prisons Department 1988 - 1988
D4151 89/9 Resource Material used in the Preparation of the National and Regional reports: Health - South Eastern Aboriginal and Islander Health organisation 1988 - 1988
D4151 89/12 Resource Material used in the Preparation of the National and Regional reports: Health - Mental Health Act 1990 - 1990
D4151 293 Miscellaneous Submissions: Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association; Central Land Council; Tangentyere Council; Pitjantjatjara Council; Alice Springs Prisoners; KALAS [Katherine Aboriginal Legal Aid Service]/Police Agreement; HALLENSTEIN - Victorian Coroner; Commonwealth Employment Service (Police and Prison Submission) 1988 - 1988
D4151 82 Resource Material used in the Preparation of the National and Regional reports: 'Courses for Aboriginal people' Murraylands College of TAFE 1989, Evaluation of Tertiary preparation pilot course for Aboriginal students 1983 SA, Participation and Equity program SA, Elizabeth Urban Aboriginal School (Establishment) final report 1985 SA, Aboriginal Education Operational plans 1990-1992 SA, Aboriginal Australian Studies 1988 photocopy, Letter to Yami Lester from UNESCO 1990, Submission from Department of Education QLD - re Underlying issues 1990, Various papers re Education Aboriginal NT Q and SA 1983 - 1992
D4151 89/1 Resource Material used in the Preparation of the National and Regional reports: Health - Royal Flying Doctor Service - Queensland section - submission - Volume 1 - pages 1 to 132 1990 - 1990
D4151 16 Resource material used in the preparation of the National and Regional reports: Various Acts including Criminal Law, Coroners Act, NT Prisons, Coroners etc 1989 - 1990