
General correspondence


closed files

are part of this series


is the average age of closed files in this series, based on the date of their earliest content

of the total number of closed files

is completely within the open period (more than 20 years old)


are cited by closed files in this series
Details as harvested on 1 January 2016
Series SP109/16
Title General correspondence
Contents dates None
Items described 398
Items digitised 10
Recording agencies
  • CA 34, Department of Information, Central Office
    01 Jan 1941 - 31 Dec 1945
  • CA 8217, State Publicity Censor, New South Wales
    01 Mar 1942 - 13 Oct 1943
Controlling agencies
  • CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office
    31 Dec 1945 -
  • NSW (3.24m)
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Here's some examples of closed files in this series…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
SP109/16 NN Anti-Japanese Campaign [File cover only] 01 Jan 1800 - 01 Jan 1800
SP109/16 NN Commonwealth Investigation Branch 1942 - 1942
SP109/16 NN Information: National Security (Information) Regulations 1942 - 1942
SP109/16 BOX 114 War Organization of Industry 1942 - 1943
SP109/16 NN Code: The "Only" Code 1943 - 1943